A conflict arises between two or more members of the university community.
Remember, if you have a conflict with someone in the community:
If you need help with the above strategies, you can contact the Ombudsperson.
The Ombudsperson or Student Mediator, can be reached in person, by phone, or by email.
The Ombudsperson analysis the situation based on questions and clarifications presented by the person complaining. The Ombudsperson identifies expectations and the flexibility degree.
The Ombudsperson defines the typology, severity, and scope of the case.
Based on the characteristics of the case and the type of intervention requested, the Ombudsperson, with the appropriate university resources, discusses possible solutions.
The Ombudsperson can provide two types of assistance:
a) Orientation and guidance.
b) Direct intervention. With prior authorization from the person complaining, the Ombudsperson contacts the appropriate person(s) to resolve the problem.
The Ombuds tracks the progress of the case.
Ways a case can solve:
In any case, if the parties in conflict are willing, the Ombudsperson can mediate. The idea is to resolve problems at the corresponding level wherever possible.