Our goal is to promote positive coexistence within the UC Chile community.

Pilar Cox, Ombuds, UC Chile

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What is an Ombudsperson?

The Ombudsperson is a counselor or mediator whose mission is to facilitate peaceful and productive coexistence among students, academics, administrators, and professionals of UC Chile.

What is the role of the Ombudsperson?

The Ombudsperson seeks to facilitate positive relations among all the people who make up the UC Chile community.

It is a third party that helps people with their concerns and conflicts and, in the event of a dispute between two or more parties, mediates between them in a confidential, independent, informal, and impartial manner.

Independence icon: a thinking head with a book in it

The Ombudsperson operates independently; her independent role is reflected in the institution’s organizational chart.

Justice icon: person holding a scale on each arm

The Ombudsperson is impartial in their decision-making and does not participate in situations where there could be a conflict of interest.

Conversation icon: two conversation balloons stacked on top of one another

The Ombudsperson maintains absolute confidentiality with those individuals who request assistance.

Report icon: written sheet of paper with curved ends

The Ombudsperson hears cases on an informal basis. If the situation requires a more formal solution, the Ombudsperson refers the client to the corresponding institutions.

Photo to symbolize agreements: two people shaking hands on top of a desk.

When should you seek help from the Ombuds?

Suppose you are having a problem with another member of the university community. In that case, it is always best to start by discussing the issue directly with the other person involved. If that approach fails to yield results, the next step is to discuss the problem with the appropriate person within your academic unit. If you cannot resolve this, the next step is to contact the Ombudsperson.

The Ombudsperson cannot intervene in situations that the Office of the Secretary-General or the Personnel Department is already investigating.